Random Thoughts From Having COVID-19
Written on 14 March 2022
I did not want to get COVID-19 but it is what it is. When life gives you COVID, write a blog post... I guess?
When my family and friends found out I had COVID, most asked me to see a doctor. (Narrator: They know my wife is a doctor.)
My wife is my hero. She looks after COVID patients in the hospital. After her long tiring days, she came home to look after me, buying me medicine and food.
I'm grateful to my teammates and friends for understanding my situation.
Despite being quite sick, my mind kept thinking about how I could be productive. It led to some frustration because I could not even think clearly. I came to the conclusion that what matters is not how I spent these few days but how I spend my days in general.
Food delivery services are amazing. It would have been much harder to get food without apps like Grab.
There are more than enough things to keep me entertained for a long time. Movies, books, games, social media, chatting with others, drawing.
I enjoy using the creative side of my brain. I spent half a day drawing and painting this image:

Spider-Man is one of the easier superheroes to draw because there are no facial features to draw. I still do not know how to draw eyes, nose, and mouth well.
I miss exercising. When I'm well, I sometimes dread my workouts. When I was sick, I realized I have taken my good health for granted.
Good Will Hunting and The Shawshank Redemption are great movies with great storytelling and acting.
Kingdom Rush is still my go-to game when I want to play games. I was playing the Frontiers version during my isolation.
Instead of searching on Google for particular movies, I ended up searching directly on Apple TV and renting there. Apple is still top of the game with interfaces. The UI for Apple TV is so elegant.

It costs S$4.98 to rent and watch The Shawshank Redemption and nothing to scroll through social media. But watching a movie like The Shawshank Redemption is probably more valuable than aimlessly scrolling through social media.
Facebook has once again successfully copied a popular feature (TikTok) into its products (Reels). Reels are nice when I want some mindless entertainment but they are addictive.
Studies found that COVID-19 can affect the brain and vaccination could reduce the impact. I certainly hope the impact will not last forver and can be reversed.